All Rowelled Up

All Rowelled Up
All Rowelled Up

Monday, September 30, 2013

World's. Worst. Blogger.

Ugh! Where do I even begin with my apologies to the blogging world with giving myself the title of "a blogger"?  The only thing I can say is..... I'm sorry :-/  I have a whole list of excuses I can give you but I've probably given them before in some past post so I won't do it again.  It really just comes down to not being motivated to do it. The truth.  I have all these great topics and ideas that come to me while I'm getting comfortable in bed at night after going GOING going all day long since 4:45 AM but they obviously never make it to the computer.  And then when I finally do make a post it's a generic "here's what I've been up to lately" post.  Which there is nothing wrong with but when I feel like I do it every month it makes me feel like a boring blogger. Snooooze.

I feel like I'm being pulled in 100 different directions and I'm not following through on anything I start. (Except for laundry cause I need clean clothes for the week. And then I have to iron them and then I have to pick outfits for the week cause I don't have time to do it in the morning blah blah blah blah blah)  I need some tips or ideas from all you working mommas on how you make everything balance out.

When do you find it easiest to go grocery shopping?

How do you fit working out in your daily schedule without sacrificing sleep and feeling like you're abandoning your child when you want to work out as soon as you get home?

What kind of finance/paying bills system do you have in place?
  Nothing makes me madder than when I start pulling out all the receipts from the week to balance the checkbook and seeing which bills need to be paid.  It angers me because of the time it takes away from doing something for myself.  Yes, I know that sounds so selfish but I try to do my "chores" when Evy is napping on  Saturday and Sunday.  One of these days I would like to be able to do something for me that doesn't involve staying up late after Evy goes to bed or feeling guilty about it.  I know becoming a parent means giving up some of your freedom but I feel if I don't find the time to be a little selfish I might explode one day.  (No one wants to see that, right?)

Work? You wanna talk about work? Like my job that I receive a paycheck for?  I don't even know where to begin with that.  I took a new position in April and it has added a little pinch of stress in my daily routine.  Not complaining, just trying to figure out how to balance this new role along with everything else and not let that stress of work follow me home.  Kind of hard sometimes when I need to know what is going on 24/7 because I have staff 24/7.  So yes, I have already broken out my Christmas music at work because it makes me happy and soothes me.

I'm hoping with the holiday season coming up it will give me the extra boost I need to push out a few more "To Dos".  This time of year makes me soooo happy I'm sure with a few pumpkins on the front porch and a nice fall smelling candle in the house I will turn this stressful frown upside down.

Evelyn already has her scared face ready for Halloween!

Happy October everyone!
Bring on the sweater weather!!


Sunday, September 15, 2013

This little piggy ate everything.....

Why is it SO hard to stay on track with my eating healthy and exercising?!?!? And why is this pig so right? Ugh! 

Here's to another week of trying to do it right and see some results.