All Rowelled Up

All Rowelled Up
All Rowelled Up

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Welcome Spring!!

Thank the good Lord above it is finally time for spring!!  Well now, the calendar is telling me it's spring but with this nutso Oklahoma weather we really never know what to expect.  I mean, this past Sunday it was snowing and sleeting and just down right COLD!!  I'm done with it just like I'm sure everyone else is.

I thought I would share with you my favorite things about Spring and Spring Break.  Not like I actually get to participate in a spring break, but I like to pretend I'm on vacation with all of those I see posting their wonderful relaxing time away on Facebook.

One thing I will watch any time it's on MTV is any coverage of spring break.  I don't even know if they  do it up big the way they used to.  I could not get enough of it as a teenager.  Watched every special, every game, every dance party around a pool as many times as it aired.  I guess a piece of me wanted to be that girl that could just be out there in a bikini looking all fabulous and tan just hanging with my girls while all the boys drooled over me.  Fact: that will never be me. Fact: I'm okay with that.  If I'm going out in the sun I'm the girl who is lathering up to protect this very fair skin of mine.  So, I just do my spring breaking through the t.v.

You could NOT pay me to be in this crowd!

It's Quddus!! One of my fav's!

Some typical spring break girls.

Who can forget this famous couple from Jerry Springer Break.
Remember them?  They made up a story just to get on the show? No? Just me?

I am ready for our flower garden to get going.  Zach is becoming a pro at all the lawn and garden duties.  I think he would stay out there all day if he could.  He planted a tree in the front yard this past Saturday and I think he's itching to do some more.  If you know him and his begonia obsession you know they are about to take over his life :)

And now for the really important part of spring/spring break…..

the viewing of…..

From Justin to Kelly

No, this is no joke.

I just love this movie so much and it puts me in the best mood.  And who can resist that precious curly haired Justin Guarini.  Do me a favor?  If you've never seen it and you like cheesy musicals then what are you waiting for?  Go get it!!!

Here's some snapshots for you to enjoy until you can get your hands on the movie.

Their first time meeting.  So sweet.

Kelly shaking it with her girls.

Can you believe Justin ran into her in the ladies restroom?
Look at her blush.

Spring Break couple.

Girl time!

Justin and his boys.  They are up to something I'm sure.

After a little misunderstanding they are back together in the end.

Do the right thing.

When the weather warms up I actually enjoy taking a nice jog outside.  I've made it out a few times in the past couple of weeks and I have to tell you one of my favorite things about hitting the neighborhood during the 5:00 pm hour is smelling what everyone is having for dinner.  I love when I pass a house and the smell of a home cooked dinner hits my nose.  Ahhh.  It reminds me of being a kid and it makes me smile every time.
(p.s. -I weighed myself tonight and the number I saw on the scale is one I have not seen since before I was married.  It was a good number :) eeeeeee!)
((trying not to reward myself with a nice chocolate treat))

note: this is not me ;)

And I'm ready to take our first trip of the year to the zoo.  I think Evelyn will rEalLY enjoy the animals this year.  She is gonna freak out when she sees these animals and now she can call them by name.  I'm excited.

Happy Spring everyone!!


Monday, March 3, 2014

Never Too Early To Plan A Birthday Party

Today marks the 4 month countdown to my baby girl turning 2!! TWO!!!  You don't believe it when they say time flies when you are up feeding a newborn wondering how long this phase will last and how are you going to make it through.  Now I look at her in amazement of what she is doing this year compared to last year at this time.  She just makes my day every single day.  I can't say it enough.

This year I am going to do Minnie Mouse for her birthday.  She is in LOVE with Minnie so everyone get your ears ready.  We are all going to be wearing 'em.

Here's some fun stuff I found on Pinterest.

Wanna go with the red, black and white Minnie Mouse.

Gonna have to get me some of these!  Kind of in love with polka dots.

Fun centerpieces.

Goody bag table.

Love the little picture box.

I'm not one of those gals that gets my nails done BUT I might just need to do this when the time comes. So cute!

Might need to make a little something like this.

I love love love the polka dots!

Fun plates!

On the hunt for a shirt for Zachary, myself and a Minnie outfit for Evelyn.

Some options for mommy.

Think I can get Zach to wear this???

For my little Minnie.

I better get started on my list of To Do's.  I only have 4 months to get it done ;)

March 3, 2013 vs. March 3, 2014

Happy Monday!!
