Tulsa Zoo
Well, I think the weather here in Oklahoma is finally making up it's mind and making a push towards warmer weather. It's been going back and forth for awhile now. I'm ABSOLUTELY not a summer girl so I'm not looking forward to the hot weather at all. We decided to head to the zoo this weekend before it gets too warm and I become a miserable creep.
It was a new experience with Evelyn this time over last time we went in September because she is so much more aware. She knows a lot of the animals from her zoo book so we were prepared. Bring on the monkeys!
She was a little unsure of the train when we went through the tunnel but after a few seconds she was loving it. At the first stop she stood up and said, "try again!" Good. I really didn't want to walk all the way to the front of the zoo since we were clear in the back and the stroller was clear in the front. Thank goodness for that, otherwise I was going to be the mom with the screaming kid on the train.
Now it's time to Thunder Up!!