Evelyn's Birthday Party
I think in my last post I stated that I hadn't talked about Evelyn's birthday yet when in fact I had talked about it I just didn't talk about the birthday party. So let's party!!
We went with a Minnie Mouse theme this year and I think everything turned out fantastic. Evelyn got the cutest red and white polka dot dress for her birthday from family in Missouri and I just knew it would be perfect for her party. I wanted to pair it with a cute little pair of black shoes to make her Minnie Mousey but after getting home and trying the shoes on with the dress and it was a big big no. She looked like she was wearing old mens shoes. It was a sight to see so we went with her white sandals and called it good. She refused to wear the mouse ears so I guess it wouldn't have worked out anyways to make her a little Minnie.
This year was so different than last year because she was actually able to run around and play with the other kids. I love watching her with other children because she's just not around them a lot. Her cousins from Texas came up and she became really close with them over the week they were here. She asks where her cousins are every morning when I drop her off. It's pretty stinkin' sweet :)
It sure does take a lot to get ready for a child's birthday party. I know she will not remember this when she is older but there will always be pictures to look back on and I want her to know how amazing she is and how I will make 96 red bows for the top of the cupcakes to show how much I want everything to be awesome for her. It may be the last time I get to pick the theme myself for her birthday :( I'm excited to see what her interests will be as she gets older and more independent.
Towards the end of the evening I think the older kids and adults had the most fun playing dodgeball with the balls purchased for the kids to play with. And let me tell ya, no one was taking it easy on each other and those balls can sting!
It was a great party and I'm thankful for everyone that came out to celebrate this girl that we are absolutely gaga over. Thank you Ashley for taking pictures! It means a lot that you don't mind capturing these moments for me so I'm not behind the camera for all the fun.
Happy birthday sweet baby! Momma and daddy love you!!
Have a great week everyone!