Well, here we are at the end of another holiday season and the beginning of another new year. And here I am again having the holiday blues AGAIN. Every year! Ya’ll know it takes me a few days to get over it but by the 30th I’m usually good to go, ready to get all the Christmas stuff out of sight and focus on getting ready for the new year. I’m sad to see all the Christmas commercials fade away and the lights in the neighborhood be taken down but I’m really looking forward to 2018. I’ve got big plans organizationally, financially, professionally, and spiritually that are on my To Do list. Oh, and of course I can’t forget the always lingering staple New Year’s resolution of nutrition and fitness. Which, I kind of got a head start on in November. I joined Beach Body on Demand and got involved with an awesome group on Facebook that has helped me stay accountable for my workouts and nutrition and has introduced me to a group of ladies who are on this journey of weight loss and life style change with me. Now, I’m not gonna lie, the holidays have been really hard to keep up with the promises I made to myself but it has not been as bad as it could have been. I was ready just to put December on pause and just watch holiday movies all month and pick it back up January 1st. I’ve had some hiccups but it hasn’t been too bad.
Because I have been a terrible terrible blogger this year here are some updates since the last time we met…..
Evelyn started Kindergarten! She made it to official BIG SCHOOL! We were a little nervous because she was going to be walking the hallways with kids that were in 5th grade and we didn’t want her to be scared since Pre-K was all 4 and 5 year olds. We planned to walk her to her classroom the first couple of days of school to make sure she could get there and that she knew her way. The only time she had been to her classroom was to meet the teacher a couple of days before school started so of course there was no way she would remember how to get back to that room in this big school building, right??? Oh, no no. Wrong. This little girl knew exactly where she was going. The exact hallway. The exact turns. The exact door. We were impressed aaaannnd just a little sad. She didn’t need us that morning like we thought she would. And deep down I’m okay with that. I’m okay with having a child who is independent and confident and not clinging to my leg not wanting to leave my side. No fear. I’m okay with that. It would hurt me more to walk away from them knowing there’s nothing I can do but walk away praying that they get better. This girl is going to be just fine and she is proving that every day. After the first couple of weeks of school she was moved to a K/1 class which is a combined class of 8 kindergarteners and the rest are first graders. She is learning things that I swear I didn’t learn until 2nd grade. It’s really a blessing and we are thankful for this opportunity for her. I wonder when I can start teaching her to balance the checkbook…..hhhhmmmm???
It’s time for the Tulsa State Fair!!! I love when the fair comes around because for me this is kind of the kick off for the holiday season. Usually the weather has started changing and long sleeved shirts and jackets have been pulled out of the back of the closet. Although the past couple of years that we have gone it’s been a little warm but I think it’s because we go during the day instead of at night. Because when you have kids you gotta go when the crowd is not so rowdy and try to beat the lines. Oliver wasn’t quite big enough for the rides this year but he got to ride one and he LOVED it. The look on his face was so sweet and I wish we would’ve let him ride it a few times but we didn’t know until the end that he was even big enough for it. I was nervous at first because the kid that was riding before him was freaking his freak and trying to stand up. But he did great and was laughing and smiling the whole time. So we will be ready for next year and make sure he gets his fair share of rides.
So as long as I can get away with making Evelyn someone who has red hair or making Evelyn and Oliver be some sort of theme together I’ve gotta do it. This little boy is obsessed with Toy Story. Buzz, Woody, Buzz, Woody! He’s got those names down. This year since he was Woody I thought it would only be appropriate to dress Evelyn up as Jessie. A redhead AND a part of a theme. Winning! This was Oliver’s first time to be able to go up to the door to trick-or-treat and it didn’t take him long to understand that when you hold your bucket out, you get candy. Sometimes he held it out a little too long and scored a little more ;) He can’t help it if he’s so adorable! It was really cold and wet and I thought my the kids holiday was going to get ruined but we bundled up through it and only walked up and down our street. It was just too late and cold to do anymore but we got enough candy to where there is still some sitting on the dryer that needs to be thrown away. We also celebrated Zach’s birthday this month. Happy 37th!! Which only means mine is less than 6 months away after his and I get to be the big 37. Is that possible?? I sure don’t feel it the way I thought I might when I was younger and you think about being close to 40 was being old. I really do feel great!
Turkey Time! This year was our first year to host Thanksgiving at our house. It turned out wonderful and I’m so glad to make these memories for my kids. Evelyn was excited to have everyone over because she loves having visitors. She probably asks every day if someone is coming over. She loves company! It was also the first year in a long time that I had the day after Thanksgiving off. I usually work because I don’t participate in the Black Friday madness but I took off this year and just hung around the house. It was nice to have a long weekend and work on getting all that Christmas stuff out :)
Evelyn tried out skating for the first time.
Busy busy month! Oliver turned 2!!! You read that right, 2!!! We had a Toy Story party for him where him and Evelyn got to dress up again in their costumes. Might as well get my money’s worth on those things. We had a nice turn out and once again I was reminded how much love my kids have all around them and how pretty great my tribe is. Zach and I are truly blessed with all the people that make up our family. Blood or not. My sister celebrated her 40th birthday a week later and all of a sudden it’s Christmas again! Oliver wasn’t really into opening his presents on his birthday but by Christmas he had the concept down and of course everything was “stuck” after the wrapping paper came off :) He needed that stuff out of the boxes immediately! Only until the next present was unwrapped. There are still plenty of toys that are “stuck” in their boxes because I’m not ready to let all of them lose yet. Little by little we will introduce new toys. They got so much I don’t want to be overwhelmed with all the new noises and smells. Yes smells. Did anyone get a Pikmi Pop for their kid? Well, be warned. We opened one before leaving the house, came back a couple hours later and thought there was a maple syrup explosion somewhere but had no idea where that smell could be coming from. About 10 minutes later it was discovered it was from the little animal that came out of this sucker thing. It is currently living in a ziplock bag.
Oh yeah, and I can’t forget that Zach and I celebrated our 10th anniversary! I wish there was a fancy little trip we could have taken or maybe some spectacular memorable gifts but let’s be honest for 2 seconds, we can’t stay away from our children for more than a night’s sleep and I’m too budget crazy-why is the checkbook off by 2 cents–that will go on sale eventually-if not I don’t need it-I’m not fancy-I love a good clearance-kind of gal. So I have a hard time splurging on something for myself. So I thought the photos would be a nice keepsake and we would get to dress up a little and have something of just the two of us. I love me kids, obviously, but this time it was just about us and celebrating something very special.
These are just a few of my favorites.
I hope everyone had a wonder holiday season and a wonderful 2017. Many blessings for a 2018 and Happy New Year to all my friends and family and possibly new readers. I’ve made some new friends since my last post :)
Much love to you and yours,