All Rowelled Up

All Rowelled Up
All Rowelled Up

Friday, May 5, 2017

The Fifth of May

Hello wonderful readers of mine!  Yes, I know, it’s been awhile AGAIN.  It’s been a bit of a struggle to get myself to the ol’ keyboard and fill you in on all the happenings of the Rowell house these days.  But let me just be honest with you,  I just don’t really have that much to say.  We live a pretty routine life and not much changes from week to week.  And let me just say that I like it this way.  I’m a routine kind of gal and it keeps things simple.  At this point in parenthood there is not a lot of free time to do craft projects or take vacations.  I don’t think my kids have traveled more than an hour away from the house.  And I don’t have anything fun to show you either.  Our weeks currently consist of school, work and home.  Every now and then something fun drops in that line-up but nothing that I have felt needs it’s very own blog post.  Trust me, I want to write.  I wish I could make a living writing.  It gives me comfort and relaxation.  But for now I will just squeeze it in when I can. So here’s just a little glimpse into what the Rowell’s have been up to lately…..

Pushing brother through Wal*Mart


This boy!!! I can’t believe that he is almost a year and a half.  I look back on pictures from a year ago and it seems like FoReVeR ago.  We’ve had to lower the bed to its lowest position.  He was caught with his heel over the top trying to climb out :/  Too Big.  He’s not talking as much as Evelyn did at this age but he’s trying with all his babbling and he definelty understands us and does what we ask him to do.  I’m ready to hear that sweet voice of his use some real words. And I’m pretty sure he is just going to skip over momma and just call me mom.  :/ 
He is into EVERYTHING.  If he wants to get around the baby gate guess what, he just picks that sucker up and moves it to the side and continues on his way.  I am totally starting to understand this whole “all boy” thing.  Climbing on stuff and picking things up and being rough and tough and taking the hits and getting back up.  But when his sweet little side comes out it’s the best thing!  He’s giving kisses and hugs and hums to the music of his sound machine at night.  Heart melting!  And he’s also found some new friends that he’s become attached to.  Buzz and Woody!!! They did belong to Evelyn but she has so kindly let him play with them and sleep with them every night.  Such a good girl!

Early morning photo shoot


Well, we have just about made it through our first year of school.  I can’t believe it’s already time for me to start looking up “Teacher End of Year Gifts”.  It has been such a blessing that she LOVES school.  She has learned so much this year that I would never have time to sit down and teach her and her maturity has spiked and I know it has to happen but I’m watching her go from a babyish girl to a little school kid and it’s exciting but I can also see the countdown ahead of me and it makes me sad.  Every school year that goes by is a year closer to a tween then a teenager then a young adult then full grown adult having her own children.  Ugh! I gotta stop or I’m gonna burst into tears :|

Being her own stylist


This has been on my mind for years now and honestly I’ve just been lazy about it.  I say I’m gonna visit a church and then Sunday comes around and I’m still in bed.  I want to find a church home for myself and for my family.  Evelyn is starting to ask questions about the devil and Jesus and I don’t have all the answers and don’t know how to tell her things in a way she will understand so I need her to start going to Sunday School so she can learn about the Lord and get involved and I want to be involved too.  A part of my problem is that I don’t know where to go.  Growing up I attended Baptist and non-denominational churches.  It doesn’t phase me to see someone speaking in tongues or raising their hands.  Zach would like to attend something a little more low key so I’m trying to see what is kind of there in the middle.  But I haven't come up with anything yet.

John Mayer

Can we just talk about his new album for a minute?  So good.  SO GOOD!!! I don't purchase an acutal CD anymore unless it's one of my peeps and this man is one of them.  Go get it if you haven't already.  The end.

That's about it for now.  Just sitting at home on a Friday night watching Peppa Pig and excited to curl up in bed and watch Friends at 10 while the rest of the town is probably gearing up for some Cinco de Mayo fun.  Bed time and Friends sounds so much better at this phase in life ;)

Have a great weekend and hope to catch up soon!
