Here's to another day of the challenge. I'm linking up with Aly and Molly. You should do the same!
Well, looks like today we are talking about tips and tricks to a budget friendly holiday season. It's like this.....I'm cheap! Cheap meaning I don't like to spend a lot of money, especially on myself. I check the clearance rack before I even think about checking out the non-sale stuff. I like to get more for my money and my theory is, it's gonna go on sale eventually and if it doesn't then I probably didn't need it anyways.
When it comes to buying for other people though I want to get the best I can afford to get them. If I was a millionaire I would be showering my friends and family and probably even strangers with gifts. I like to give :) However, I am not a millionaire, yet. When that day comes be prepared for an amazing gift!
I'm pretty bad about waiting until the last minute to purchase something and sometimes panicking making sure I have enough money. This next year I think I'm going to do the envelope system of saving money, and not just for holiday or birthdays. Dave Ramsey believes in this system and I think I will give it a try. Nothing sucks more than when you think you are sittin' pretty with your money and then BOOM, your car tag is due. Well guess what? I'm gonna have an envelope for that! Problem solved and I won't have to take that chunk of money from the bank account. I think though, I will look for a cute coupon holder so I don't have a drawer full of envelopes.
One thing I do now is every pay day I have a portion automatically sent to my savings account. This way I never even see that money and the only way to get the money is to drive almost downtown to my credit union and take it out in person. It's an inconvenience and it's better that way. It makes it a hassle if I just want to get out some fun money. So, I just don't do it.
Make sure you have a list and a budget for each person you are shopping for. Try your best not to shop for yourself. Tis the season to give and not to receive! You will feel guilty when you get home and you have 3 bags of stuff for you and one for everyone else. If money is tight then come up with a little homemade something. I really do enjoy getting homemade goodies from people. Especially if it comes in a cute container :)
These are my best tips for now. Hope they help you a little and I'm excited to read all of yours. I need more ideas on how to save money so that I can have that million dollars we were just talking about :)
Happy budget friendly holidays,
Dave Ramsey is a great resource for financial advice!! I have used his "snowball effect" system! It worked great!
ReplyDeleteI am cheap too! Sometimes I just can not fathom spending so much money on gifts!!
I tried the Dave Ramsey system too--it looks good on paper, but someone else in my household (I won't mention names) didn't like the envelope system :) So, it failed for us. Better luck to you--cause, Aly is right--Dave is awesome!
ReplyDeleteOoh, great tip about having a portion of your pay sent to savings.. that's smart. I should start doing that. Would make it a lot harder to spend, that's for sure! I always try to split it up myself, but then I pretty much just have two sets of money... that I tend to dip into... Oops. :p