She Likes To Move It Move It!!
Oh boy, has this house taken a turn this past week. Just a week ago we were trying everything we could to get Evelyn to crawl just a little bit. Displaying cell phones, toys, food. AnYtHiNg to get her going.
Failed on all of them. She was pivoting around and around and scooting from one spot to the next. But no, none whatsoever, actual traditional crawling.
Everyone says it will happen when it happens and we weren't worried about it. We were just excited for it TO happen. Last Thursday, it did. The "traditional" crawl. One knee in front of the other. She looked like an actual baby on the prowl instead of the girl from The Ring. We were a couple of proud parents for sure. A step we've been waiting for and a step that made us realize that this house is NOT ready for a baby to be exploring.
(Gotta get on that this weekend.)
I'm coming to get ya!
Her crawl started off a little slow. She looked like a little spider. That was yesterday. Today, it's a whole new story. This stage in her life is a whole new story. Can't leave her on the bed anymore while I iron my clothes. Can't leave her in her room to play in the morning while I get ready. Can't skip out of the room for just a second while I get something to drink. CAN'T DO IT! She's like a whole new baby. So it goes without saying that daddy and I have had to change our ways a little bit. Have to stick her in the crib in the mornings just so I know she's safe and sound. She's gotten good at shimming down the hallway.
Just chillin' with my toys.
She's also gotten good at throwing a fit. Just a little baby fit. Any time I try to dress her or pick her up she throws those arms up and makes her body as straight as she can and throws her self back while trying to slip out of my hands. All while fake crying. As much as I don't want to laugh at her I can't help but do it cause it's so cute to see her show her own little personality. NOT going to be cute when she does it in public.
I'm 10 months old!
I'm tired of taking pictures!
I am so amazed every day with how she is growing into a big girl and slowly leaving her baby stage. It's very bittersweet. I can't believe in less than 2 months we will have a one year old on her way into being a full blown toddler.
This momma's heart is overflowing! Very excited to be celebrating my very own first Mother's Day on Sunday.
I'm uuuupppp!
Nap time!
Just working on the iPad.
Sleeping like a big girl!
Oh, and if you're not Thundering Up tonight you should just turn the television off.
Let's start the wave!
Ps - Can someone tell Carson Daly his hair is completely uncombed!
So sweet, love the napping picture!