Baby Fat
Well, tomorrow Evelyn will be 12 weeks old and I'm still wearing maternity pants. I just can't bare to put on a regular pair of jeans cause it is muffin top city. Maternity pants at least smooth some things over. I have some serious weight to lose (30 pounds to be exact) and I need to stop telling myself every Sunday night that "I'm getting serious about my food and exercise tomorrow." I've been telling myself this for years and years now. I never follow through and then I get upset when I see women with the body I would like to have. This pattern has got stop!
I told myself when Evelyn was 6 weeks old and I was released to workout from my doctor that I was going to really focus on my food and get my butt moving. I can't say I have been a total failure at it. I did start counting my "points" and started doing Zumba but then I would totally ruin it the next day and then just make plans to start again the next Monday. Something's gotta give! I've got to get more willpower (cause I have none!)
I'm only 10 pounds heavier than I was before I got pregnant so I didn't have a horrible weight gain but I was wanting to lose 20 before then. I look at my body and think to myself that this is just the way it's going to be from here on out. I had a baby and my body changed and there is nothing I can do about it. This is one of the trade-offs for having a baby. Well I'm tired of thinking this way and I don't want to find myself using any of these as excuses. This is probably a terrible time of year with all the holidays coming up to try to lose weight. What am I thinking??
Out on the town
I turn 32 in April and I hope to be celebrating with a new pant size :)
Here goes another try!
if you only weight 10 pounds more then pre-baby maybe your goal should be 10-15 pounds. I have a lot of coworkers who did weight watcher and counted points and it worked should find a buddy..for motivation!