All Rowelled Up

All Rowelled Up
All Rowelled Up

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Oh yeah!!! It's that time again for all my favorite shows to start showing their pretty little faces on my television at night.  Pretty sad that The Office is coming to an end but I think after Steve Carell left it just hasn't been the same.

If you haven't watched an episode of Parks and Recreation then you need to stop what you are doing tonight and give it a chance.  I think it might have better stories and a better cast than The Office.  That's big.  Just give it a chance. You won't be sorry.

BUT the show I'm really looking forward to this evening is Up All Night.  If you missed last season I am telling you right now to stop whatever you are doing (continue to read the blog) and get yourself to the store and pick up season one.  Tell work you are sick and go home and watch it! Then tonight you will be all caught up and ready to enjoy season 2.  It is such a funny show and Christina Applegate has to be one of my favorites.  She is beautiful and so funny.  Love her! 

Stay home tonight.  Watch T.V.

Happy Thursday! 


  1. I love your signature picture... You are gorgeous! How is Evelyn?

    We love Up All Night, too! :)

  2. I love watching UP ALL NIGHT. I think Christina and Will Arnett are hilarious together!! I am excited for all the shows to start again!!

  3. Oh my goodness, I LOVE Up All Night! Cracks me up every time!

  4. I've never watched that, but I've heard that it's hilarious!!


Thanks for making my day and stopping by!