All Rowelled Up

All Rowelled Up
All Rowelled Up

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Thunder Up

Quick blog.  It's 5:13 in the morning as I write this so I have to make it short.  Just don't want anyone to miss out on my Friday night date night. 

 Zach and I got tickets moooooonths ago to see the Oklahoma City Thunder on their pre-season stop in Tulsa.  I have been waiting for some time now to see all my boys in person.  I've never been to an NBA game so I was pretty excited.  Please make note that I am not a "sports girl."  But the past few years I have really taken a liking to basketball and mainly because the Thunder is a local team so I like showing support.  It's fun.

I could not believe how close our seats were on Friday.  We just kept walking closer and closer to the court and we kept looking at our tickets double checking that they were the correct seats.  Corner of the court four rows up.  I was freaking! It was a wonderful mommy and daddy night out.  But don't get me wrong, I missed my girl!

The court

I may not appear nervous and excited, but I am!


Just warming up.

Trying out the Panorama.
Yes, that is my husband sneaking in.

Some court action.

I've seen this on Pinterst but now I've seen it in person.

And now for the prettiest baby I'VE ever seen ;)

Trying out shoes for the first time.

A little photo session.

Hanging with daddy at the party.

"What's a cupcake?"

Fresh after-the-bath-hair

Making new friends at Gigi's.

I can't believe she is about to be 4 months old!! When did that happen?  She just keeps getting cuter every day.  

UPDATE:  We are officially out of the miracle blanket wrap at night and in a sleepsack.  She has done so awesome with the transition.  I think she probably likes it better since she's not all wrapped up and this girl likes to stretch out.  I was concerned she was going to freak and not want to go to sleep.  Not so much.  She loves it.  Thank goodness.  On a sad note.  Cardinals are not going to the World Series.  Good try.  Maybe next year.  And even though I've been told that that word "Giants" is now a curse word in our house, I'm still gonna cheer my Tim Lincecum on.  Loooooove hiiiiim!

Have a good day everyone!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Let me start this off by saying that the "O" on my keyboard has popped off so if you notice any "O's" missing in words, just go with it.  I need to take it to get fixed.

I'm into my third week at work now and I have to say that it's going pretty good.  I'm pretty tired when it's time to finally rest this little head at night but it just takes one glance at my little girl in her bassinet and I know that every yawn and every busy minute of the day is worth it.  I love her so much!

I got news today that a co-worker that had a baby 6 weeks after me will not be returning to work.  My first thought.....totally jealous.  Like, had to pull it together and not break down in tears at work.  I'm so happy for her that she gets to stay at home and watch her little one grow into a new person every day.  What an incredible feeling it must have been to finalize that decision.  (If you're reading this, and you know who you are, I'm so happy for you!)

After my jealousy faded I began to think that I have it just as good.  I feel completely blessed WAY beyond measure.
  1) I have a job that I enjoy going to 
2) I have a boss who is fantastic to work for
 3) My mother-in-law gets to build a relationship with Evelyn by watching her every day for us (Gigi-you have blessed Zach and I in SOOOO many ways.  You have no idea what a blessing you are to us.  Evelyn is going to learn so much from you and make memories that will stay with her forever) 
4) I get some "away" time that makes our time together at home mean so much more 
5) Zach gets his one on one time with Evelyn every day after he picks her up. (This is EXACTLY how she is going to become a daddy's girl.)

See, being a working mommy is pretty cool too. I need to keep the above in mind when I start to think it's unfair that I don't get to stay at home with my baby every day.  It's just not an option that's possible for us and that's okay. God has blessed me with a great job and the ability to work and I know that Evelyn will blessed because of her hardworking parents.  I hope to provide whatever she desires (within reason of course).  

So here's a big fat shout out to you stay at home mom's.  Just staying home for 13 weeks gave me a glimpse into stay-at-home-mommy life and let me tell you, it's not just sitting on the couch and watching t.v all day.  There wasn't a lot of napping and there was no "sleep when baby sleeps".  Are you kidding me?  That was the time to wash something dirty in the house and the includes yourself.  Stay-at-home mommas, I respect you.  It's more work than people think.

Working mommies, obviously my love goes out to you as well.  It's hard to look at their precious pictures on your desk and not stop and wonder what they are doing and ache in your heart just a little bit.

Now it's time to go cuddle my sweet birdie and tuck ourselves into bed for the evening.....and of course Phoebe too!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Return To Oz

Anyone remember this movie? Anyone remember the wheelers? What a creepy movie.  If you haven't seen it, find it.  It could be a Halloween movie, I guess.  Any how, this post has nothing to do with that except for the fact that I did return to somewhere.  I returned to work.

I started back last Monday and the whole weekend before I just had that "day before the first day of school" feeling ALL weekend. It sucked!!! There wasn't a whole lot of crying but don't get proud of me yet because there was crying.  I had been with my precious baby for 13 weeks and the longest I had been away from her was 3 hours.  How was I going to last 10 hours away?  10 hours!!! Well, get ready to get proud.....I only cried ONCE.  Just when I dropped her off.  We are beyond blessed that we take her to Zach's mom's. I can't express how blessed we are.  If I was having to take her to a daycare I would've sat in the parking lot all day.  Thank you Lord that I don't have to go through that.

Hanging out with mommy

Lovin' my strolls

Fresh out of the bath

My new friend

Morning mommy time


Hanging out at Gigi's

We met Sophie this week

In all honesty it hasn't been that bad but it's been busy.  My day starts at 4:15.  Early.  I have to get up this early to have enough time to pump and get myself ready before I get Evy up at 6:00 to get her fed, spend a little one on one time with her, get her ready, get Phoebe fed and taken care of and the car packed up.  Yes, packed up.  There are five different bags and one baby that leave the house with me every day.  It's a load.

My work days are going by pretty fast though.  I'm having to pump twice while at work and as much as a hassle it is to bring all my equipment with me every day the little breaks are kind of nice.  Gives me time to stare at pictures of Evelyn.  I just can't get enough.

You would think my first week being away from her I would've spent all weekend with her and never put her down but we had a date to go to the Tulsa State Fair so my sister came over and watched her.  My sister has been itching for a chance to get some alone time with her so I didn't feel too bad.  Being an aunt myself, sometimes you just don't want the mom hovering over you and I want Evelyn to have a great relationship with my sister the same way I have a great relationship with her kids.  I love them like they are my own.
Fair girls

Fair boys

Mommy and daddy's first big night out

I've had plans every night to get a blog out there but by the time Evelyn goes to sleep I am so wiped out that it's rare if I see 10:00.  Every single minute of my day is accounted for.  

Let's talk about Evelyn.  This child has made a complete change.  The "books" say that at 13 weeks most babies get calmer and more interactive.  It's true.  It was like a whole different baby.  She found her feet last week and it was pretty much the highlight of the week.  She looks longer every day and that hair is still red red red.  I love it! 

Hopefully I can try to keep up with the blog better.  I've been adjusting to this new schedule and when I come home in the evening I just want to hold her and note her changes.  

Now it's time to go pump.  

Have a great weekend!