All Rowelled Up

All Rowelled Up
All Rowelled Up

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Happy New Year!!

Well ya’ll it’s that time again to start a new school year and with that I say Happy New Year!!! To me, this is the official start of the year.  New calendars are out, fresh outfits for school are getting their tags cut off and the new fall fashions are hitting the shelves.  It’s time to start a new folder for all the stuff we will be collecting for this school year and of course I feel like I have to save EVERYTHING.  “Oh, you know what 2+2 is, let’s save it  😊”.

We went to Meet the Teacher tonight at Evelyn's school and we are more than thrilled that she is going back to the same class, same classmates and same teacher!  Last year she was in a multiage class that was Kindergarten/1st grade and this year the whole class is moving up to a 1st grade/2nd grade multiage class.  She really got exposed to so much last year being with first graders and learning on a first grade level on some things that I have no doubt she will be able to catch on to the 2nd grade stuff she will be taught this year. I seriously almost cried and gave Mrs. Calvert a hug when we walked into the classroom.  She was such an amazing teacher last year and Evelyn thinks so much of her that I can't wait to see her maturity and skills soar this year.  Here we come 1st AND 2nd grade!

We are already starting the year off busy busy busy.  Evelyn will not be doing dance this year.  This year we have decided to take a break from that world and cartwheel on in to cheerleading!!! Go Cubettes!!!  So far it is taking up 3 nights of our week but it will settle down after mid-September.  We are trying out tumbling one night a week and the 2 other nights are dedicated to cheer practice.  No complaints from her yet but I’m sure when school starts she is going to be one tired little Cubette.  I can’t wait to see what she is going to look like in her little uniform.  I always wanted to be a cheerleader when I was young but I never was so forgive me now if I get a little Facebook and Instagram crazy when football season starts and you have get to scroll through 1000 pictures of my sweet little Broken Arrow cheerleader 😉  Juuusst kidding…..maybe.

Let’s see, what else has been going on in the Rowell house since we last talked?  Some big changes actually.  I won’t go into too much detail cause it’s a pretty boring subject.  I was let go of my job in March after 17 years.  Wasn’t exactly surprised but didn’t think it was actually going to happen but like always the Lord has my back and I had already been offered a job with a new company before my last day of work with the old company so I didn’t stay unemployed for long.  Got to take a week off with my kids during spring break so that was a blessing.  I’m really liking where I am now and I’m feeling more and more confident in my position every week. I’m making new friends and finding my comfort levels around the office so things are going great and I’m just so thankful that I found a job so quickly.

On a sad note and one that we have not put out on social media just because we were not ready when it happened and after so long it just didn’t make sense to any more but our sweet amazing wonderful boxer Phoebe was put to rest in January.  Plain and simple, she was sick and we did all we could to help her but when the vet says it’s time then I guess it’s time.  We miss her terribly and she was such a good dog and she was so good to these babies of ours and we are so thankful for the time she was here with us and the memories with her.  Phoebe Mandy Moore Michael Jackson Rowell – we love you and miss you so much!!!!

Noooowww let’s bring the mood back up again and talk about this growing boy, Oliver.  He is just so funny and his personality is something else.  We put him in soccer this year and it was neat to watch him not really participate to watch him do some of the exercises at home the coaches taught him with the soccer ball.  It’s just cool how in little simple teachings how he remembers when he is not in that environment and even though he may not do it on the soccer field that he is paying attention.  He’s so fun but when people say the statement “he’s all boy” I know exactly what that means.  He’s just a little wild when he’s wild but he has that sweet soft side to him too. When he plays kitchen or dolls with Evelyn it’s just the sweetest thing but when it’s time to Hulk Smash stuff watch out for your face because nothing is off limits.  Oh yikes! At least he hasn’t Hulk Smashed any kids a soccer.  Matter of fact he is pretty gentle and shows good manners which is much appreciated.

Happy New Year to all you teachers out there and to those of you who like to pop the bottle of champagne sparkling cider and countdown to the first day of school.

Blessings to you all!


PS - Not sure why the blog looks weird with the writing in the big white blocks.  It's been awhile since I've blogged and it's late.  I would look into fixing it but it's time for bed.