All Rowelled Up

All Rowelled Up
All Rowelled Up

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A little bit of this, A little bit of that

This week has been a little busy and a lot lazy.  How those two fit together?  Well, they just do.

  So, I decided to go ahead and get the hair cut AND colored.  I'm not exactly thrilled with it but I'm not crying myself to sleep at night so that's good.

I ended up taking a picture of Sophie Bush (love her!) and what I thought was a long bob cut.  I didn't want layers shorter than my chin because with the thickness and waviness of my hair it just doesn't style well.  She said the picture I brought was a good one and it would work because of the layers I already had. She lifted up the sides of my hair so that was what I thought she was referring to.  Well, when she got to the back of my head she started chopping away and said "I'm so glad we went with the picture with all the layers."  WHAT?!?!?!?  It was too late then, the hair was gone! But it's cool, it's just hair, it will grow back.  Just a couple more months of growth and it will be perfect.

Guess you have to be a hairdresser to see the layers in the back??

Anyhow - Here is the before and after.

I got mixed reviews at work but most people said they thought it looked really good.

This past week my brother celebrated his 32nd birthday.
Which means my 31st is just around the corner.
Bring it! 

My "old" brother :) and nephew

And my niece who keeps looking more mature every time I see her.

I've been battling a headache all week long and a little bit a nausea but this weekend was actually a good weekend.  No headache and I have had more energy than usual.

On Friday a little bunch of us went to ihop and then to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D.
Both events were amazing.  Have you tried the new hash brown stacks at ihop? SOOOO stinking good.  Or it could be that it was the first time all week that I really had an appetite.

I chose the spinach/mushroom option.
But I didn't eat the spinach :)

We love ihop!



I was REALLY craving some Starburst the other day at work so I called my husband to see if he would have the kindest heart and bring me some when he got off work.

He brought me two different kinds.

He loves me!

Have a great week!
Don't forget that American Idol starts this week!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Your hair looks adorable! I bet it felt sooo good to wash it the first time!! I personally love it!


Thanks for making my day and stopping by!