All Rowelled Up

All Rowelled Up
All Rowelled Up

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Let Me Help You with the Quick and Dirty

As some of you may know my job requires a lot of sitting and working at the computer. I actually just passed my 10 year anniversary of working for St. John Medical Center. A life time right? I remember when I was in high school, working at a nursing home, and after my first year there I thought I was such a good employee for staying in the same job for so long. Let's see, that was about 12+ years ago. Where does the time go? Anyways, when you sit at a desk all day you must find ways to help the time go by faster so pretty much everyone in my building listens to music as they work. Well, I got a little bored with the music and started listening to movies on my portable DVD player. (For real, I only listened.) Recently I have introduced myself to Podcasts. The application I have on my iphone is Stitcher and I have come across some pretty interesting podcasts. One of my favorite groups is The Quick and Dirty Tips podcasts. I encourage you to check out their website. They give good tips from dog training to financial matters, from writing skills to legal advice. I've really enjoyed this discovery and I hope you will check it out and pass it on to your friends.


1 comment:

  1. I've been on my job 31 years, don't waste my time..............Dad


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