All Rowelled Up

All Rowelled Up
All Rowelled Up

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thirty Days Until Thirty

(I have spent the last HOUR trying to download a picture of the #29 and it just isn't happening tonight. What a waste! Just pretend it's there)

Let me start this blog out with saying Happy St. Patrick's Day!!I hope everyone is being safe and responsible today. If you are hitting the town tonight all decked out in your green please please be careful and smart.

Well, it's 29 days until 30! As I do this countdown I'm going to reflect on the age I was along with it.

Twenty nine has been a good year. I went on my first cruise this year. My new niece Brynn Elise came into the world. I felt an earthquake for the first time in my life. Yep, Tulsa, Oklahoma had a little bit of a shakeup last year. It really was the weirdest thing. My cubicle just started shaking at work for a good 5-7 seconds. My hands grasped and shot a gun for the first time. After this experience I have come to the conclusion that I do not like guns. Nothing traumatic happened, I just found no fun in it.

Something I would like to accomplish.....

In my 30's I would love to publish a book. I don't know the first thing about this.  I don't have a clue where to start or what to expect. I've been on Nicholas' Sparks website a few times and he has some good ideas and tips. Read, read, read is one of his big tips so that's what I've been trying to do. Whether it's books, blogs or magazines I'm trying to soak up all kinds of writing to be inspired and expand my creativity. I've loved writing since I was a wee little kid. Most of my writing over my life has been songs. I wrote my first song when I was five. I still remember everything about that moment and exactly where I was. It was created and recored right there on the spot. It saddens me to no end that those tapes have been lost.

I can't give you an exact number of the songs I've created. I'm working on putting a song book together but it takes time to go through all the scraps of paper, napkins, note pads and whatever I have written on. Writing songs is a HUGE part of my life because within my family we have a music organization. It's something that a lot of people don't know about me. They know I sing and record albums but I dont think they know just how deep it goes. I'll talk more on this later. :)

Anyways, I am working on a book at the moment that I have been working on since about 2002. I should of had it done by now but life likes to interrupt and my focus shifted to other things. I'm not getting any younger and if I want to take this chance I need to get my butt busy. It's gonna take up a lot of my time and in the end it might be something that gets written and just lives in the computer but if I don't take the risk then I will never know, right?

I have all my ideas layed out and I know exactly how I want this book to go but I dont want to give anything away yet. It's a scary thing to put your ideas out there for people to look at and have an opinion on. So, as the story unfolds at my desk I may let you have a sneak peek.

Future novel writer,


1 comment:

Thanks for making my day and stopping by!